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Meeting between the Presidents and Rectors of the Universities

Published on October 7, 2021 Updated on February 8, 2024

on the May 26, 2021

First meeting between the presidents and rectors of the seven universities involved in the constitution of the European Alliance on Sustainable Mobility (ERASMob) which is today ARTEMIS (Alliance for Regional Transition, Equality, Mobility, Inclusion and Sustainability).

On May, 26th 2021 the Rectors of the seven universities involved in the constitution of the European Alliance on Sustainable Mobility (ERASMob), the old name of ARTEMIS, met for the first time, remotely

Together, they shared their vision and enthusiasm regarding the creation of this Alliance and insisted on its added-value to strengthen training, research and innovation on sustainable mobility in Europe. The Rectors signed a joint declaration simultaneously confirming their commitment in further developing ARTEMIS and in submitting a common application for the next Erasmus + European Universities call for proposals.

The European Alliance on Sustainable Mobility (ERASMob) aimed at developing interdisciplinary and strengthened synergies between education, research and innovation to tackle the sustainable mobility socio-economic challenges faced by Europe today. Led by Université Clermont Auvergne (Clermont-Ferrand, France), it brings together three comprehensive universities and four technical universities from seven different European countries: Ostbayerische Technische Hochschule Regensburg (Regensburg, Germany), Vives University of Applied Sciences (Brugge, Belgium), Panepistimio Ioanninon (Ioannina, Greece), Tallinna Tehnikakõrgkool (Tallinn, Estonia), Høgskulen på Vestlandet (Bergen, Norway) et Universitatea Ovidius din Constanta (Constanta, Romania).

"I am convinced that by joining our forces and skills to promote interdisciplinary and interculturality in education, research and innovation, we will constitute a European reference center and tackle the global challenge that is sustainable mobility."
Mathias Bernard, President of Université Clermont Auvergne, France

"Our strength relies on our diversity."
Marie-Elisabeth Baudoin, coordinator of ERASMob

“Universities have to take responsibility for supporting the development of creative and critical minds, of powerful problem solvers, and responsible citizens. Concerning our endeavour to create a European University on Sustainable Mobility, the ERASMOB objectives offer the unique chance to build relationships and structures for new encounters, new ways of cooperation, exchange and experience, and to achieve a persisting and flexible system which combines education and research, based on a comprehensive strategic partnership.”

Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Baier, Rector of Ostbayerische Technische Hochschule Regensburg, Germany

"We do believe that in this globalized world alliances and partnerships with other universities are very relevant. Although we have so many partners already, we also feel it is the right time to take the next step and strengthen those partnerships and alliances."

"This partnership can give a boost to our virtual and online study program which became even more relevant during the pandemic."
Joris Hindryckx, Rector of Vives University of Applied Sciences, Belgium

"I'm here to declare that WE, from Greece, will join our efforts with you sharing a vision of a better future of our Universities […] A web of mobility that involves universities, industry, local companies, service companies, stakeholders etc. can be seen to contribute to regional economy, promote social values such as diversity and inclusion, sustainability, community development and enhance democratic values, social cohesion and equity..."
Prof. Triantafyllos A.D. Almpanis, Rector of Panepistimio Ioanninon, Greece


“The ERASMob is an highly anticipated initiative that develops an innovative approach based on education, research and innovation synergies of the consortium partners. ERASMob European University Alliance is a strong alliance and we believe together we will succeed in building an innovative education-research-innovation momentum."
Enno Lend, Rector of Tallinna Tehnikakõrgkool, Estonia

“We meet in order to address some of the key challenges of the world; how can we keep the mobility of modern society, while at the same time strive towards a more sustainable and green future? […] It is evident that in order to address the important challenges of modern society, a joint effort is needed. This must be initiated across borders and sectors, where each institution and stakeholder should play by its strengths. Western Norway University of Applied Sciences will bring all our academic fields, staff, students, and associated partners into this partnership.”
Prof. Gunnar Yttri, Rector of Høgskulen på Vestlandet, Norway

“After more than 30 years of positive development of the Ovidius University we have a single, natural evolution, as joining this consortium, and is my pleasure to let you know that the invitation to become a partner into the ERASMob was received with great enthusiasm by our community. Considering the interest of the Consortium into the educational mobilities, we must underline our sincere belief that excellency in education is still the essential strategy, the key factor for sustainable development. Thank you very much and all the best for ERASMob!”
Assoc. Prof. Dan Marcel Iliescu, Rector of Universitatea Ovidius din Constanta, Romania