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ARTEMIS aims at creating a European multilingual inter-campus university boosting mobility among students and staff, to enhance students’ employability and promote cross-sectoral cooperation in all training, research and innovation activities. This includes new forms of flexible short-term mobility for students and staff, new forms of learning in distance and soft skills educational packages that are easy to diffuse among partner universities. By 2025, ARTEMIS aims at creating a major international centre of multidisciplinary expertise (health, technology, finance…) on sustainable mobility, through joint multidisciplinary research labs fostering socio-economic experimentations.
Our motto : Elevating Minds, Supporting Communities, Empowering Regions
The ARTEMIS alliance was established in 2019 as part of the "European Universities" initiative launched in 2017 by the European Council and co-financed by the ERASMUS+ project. It aims to create an European education area by 2025,
Its aim is to promote cooperation and integration among higher education institutions across Europe by encouraging the formation of transnational alliances between universities. These alliances, known as "European Universities," typically bring together multiple higher education institutions from different EU member states or other countries participating in the Erasmus program.
The initiative seeks to create a European education area by fostering mobility for students and academic staff, encouraging the development of joint study programs, collaborative research projects, and other initiatives. It also aims to enhance the quality of higher education in Europe, promote innovation, and increase the competitiveness of European universities on the global stage.
To support this initiative, the EU provides additional funding and resources to participating universities, enabling them to implement ambitious and innovative projects in the field of higher education. In summary, the "European Universities" initiative aims to transform the higher education landscape in Europe by fostering closer collaboration between universities and strengthening their positioning on the international stage.
Our logo
Our ARTEMIS European alliance logo embodies a rich tapestry of symbolism, reflecting the values and aspirations that define our collective identity. The choice of colors serves as a visual testament to our principles—green symbolizing sustainability and inclusivity, blue representing unity and universality, and gold embodying excellence. The gradient from green to blue not only signifies transition but also breathes dynamism into the otherwise static form.
The imagery within the logo carries profound meaning—mountains and water speak to the concepts of regionalism and territory, while curves evoke notions of mobility, movement, and interconnection, resembling roads, bridges, and valleys. The sun, radiating light and representing knowledge and trust in the future, is segmented into three sections, reminiscent of atmospheric diffraction, injecting rhythm and movement into the logo. The stars, reminiscent of those in the EU flag, symbolize our eight partner universities.
In terms of typography, the use of uppercase letters in a rounded font imparts a sense of stability, strength, balance, and continuity. Together, these elements converge in our logo to encapsulate the spirit of the ARTEMIS alliance—a harmonious blend of sustainability, inclusivity, unity, excellence, and the promise of a brighter future.